【暑期学校Summer School】
研究生暑期学校由304am永利集团官网/上海市免疫学研究所举办,旨在拓宽研究生的学术视野,激发研究生的创新热情,共享优质教育资源,计划在全国招募50-75名研究生和博士后来校学习。暑期学校将邀请逾20名国内外知名专家前来授课,向学员们传授了当今免疫学及生物医学领域的前沿进展及尖端技术,并与学员们进行了零距离的交流探讨,使大家收获精彩的学术盛宴。为进一步加强专家与学员们的互动交流,组委会还特别设立了口头报告及墙报 竞赛环节,并邀请部分学员和与专家共进晚餐。通过对每位学员的综合能力考评,专家评审团最终评选出口头报告和墙报竞赛一、二、三等奖及优胜奖以鼓励学员们的积极参与。
Hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University / Shanghai Institute of Immunology, the graduate summer school is designed to broaden academic horizons of postgraduates, arouse their innovation, enthusiasm and share quality educational resources. The school plans to recruit 50-75 postgraduates and postdocs. Over 20 experts from domestic and abroad institutions will be invited to lecture advances and cutting-edge technologies in today's immunology and biomedical research. Also, oral report, poster shows and dinner will be set to facilitate face-to-face communications with experts. Excellent Report and Excellent Poster will be rewarded at the end.
【详见左侧导航栏 --历年回顾】 Click here for details