Postgraduate Management System
Under the guidance of the leadership and Postgraduate Management Committee, Shanghai Institute of Immunology has established a graduate training system that is suitable for the discipline of immunology and meets international standards, including rotation, safety training, course study and academic events, etc. This system will fully promote students’ scientific thinking, cultivate their science research capability and broaden their horizons. To promote international education and attract more excellent students with research ambitions from top universities domestically and abroad, we set up Yu He Doctoral Scholarship. Also, we advanced Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School Dual PhD Degree Program in 2016. The two universities partnered in immunology, cell biology and pathophysiology and planned joint PhD training. Once meet the PhD requirements of both sides, candidates will receive PhD degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This program will be officially launched globally in 2018.
【研究生招生宣讲Postgraduate Enrollment Preaching】
Annual postgraduate enrollment preaching starts every year in May. The peaching teams consisting of PIs and students will visit 985/211 universities and organize face-to-face meetings with excellent students majored in medicine and biology.
【研究生招生夏令营 Summer Camp】
SII Summer Camp will be held every July, aimed to select excellent students and confer them with exam-free recommendations.
【暑期学校Summer School】
研究生暑期学校由304am永利集团官网/上海市免疫学研究所举办,旨在拓宽研究生的学术视野,激发研究生的创新热情,共享优质教育资源,计划在全国招募50-75名研究生和博士后来校学习。暑期学校将邀请逾20名国内外知名专家前来授课,向学员们传授了当今免疫学及生物医学领域的前沿进展及尖端技术,并与学员们进行了零距离的交流探讨,使大家收获精彩的学术盛宴。为进一步加强专家与学员们的互动交流,组委会还特别设立了口头报告及墙报 竞赛环节,并邀请部分学员和与专家共进晚餐。通过对每位学员的综合能力考评,专家评审团最终评选出口头报告和墙报竞赛一、二、三等奖及优胜奖以鼓励学员们的积极参与。
Hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University / Shanghai Institute of Immunology, the graduate summer school is designed to broaden academic horizons of postgraduates, arouse their innovation, enthusiasm and share quality educational resources. The school plans to recruit 50-75 postgraduates and postdocs. Over 20 experts from domestic and abroad institutions will be invited to lecture advances and cutting-edge technologies in today's immunology and biomedical research. Also, oral report, poster shows and dinner will be set to facilitate face-to-face communications with experts. Excellent Report and Excellent Poster will be rewarded at the end.
All the new graduate students will have 3 rounds of rotation (each lasts for 10 weeks). Students own independent choices for their first and second interested tutors. At the end of the rotation, students and tutors will have two-way choices, in accordance with the ruled student number assigned by the institute.
【学术管理监督委员会 Scientific Oversight Committee】
Postgraduate Management Chief and Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC) will be set. The committee consists of 5 members, including intramural PIs and adjunct professors, who are in charge of the establishment and revision of student training schemes, the authentication of the qualification for tutors to be part of the Scientific Advisory Committee, and the drafting of the students’ written examinations and standard answers.
【学术指导委员会 Scientific Advisory Committee】
Every student will have an independent Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) set within 3 months after their final choice of tutor. With the tutor designated to be the chairman of the committee, SAC requires 3 extra senior professors as members, including at least 1 extramural expert and the remaining ones from inside the institute or as adjunct professors. The committee should be authorized by SOC. SAC, aimed to direct and manage the scientific research, is in charge of doctoral student qualification authentication and pre- oral defense of the thesis. Particularly, SAC will organize an annual meeting to give directions to the student’s research. After the meeting, the chairman will submit a paper report which will be backed up at the Postgraduate Management Secretary (PMS). If the delay of graduation is needed, a research plan approved by SAC should be submitted to PMS for backup, and the SAC meeting will then be held semi-annually.
【博士生资格认定Doctoral Program Entrance Qualification】
Every student will have Doctoral Program Entrance Qualification on their second academic year, which filters the underperformers to continue their studies as master students. SAC will vote on the qualification and the student’s final thesis defense. Three votes are required for pass, and the chairman retains veto power.
【研究进展汇报Research in Progress】
Every student will start to have their work orally presented in English in the weekly activity - Research in Progress (RIP) on their second academic year. The report will be graded according to the qualities of PPT, speech, Q&A, research advance, etc. Excellent Report and All Tsutomu will be rewarded annually.
【余㵑博士生奖学金 Yu He Doctoral Scholarship】
Excellent students graduated from Top 30 universities (985 for example) and ranking 10% in GPA will be granted Yu He Doctoral Scholarship. The scholarship offers ¥30,000 once in the start of entrance, followed by one fully-funded domestic meeting attendance and one fully-funded international meeting attendance. Students performing excellences will get the opportunity to attend summer schools in oversea prestigious universities.
【国际学术交流会议 International Academic Conferences】
Each year, we hold multiple cutting-edge international academic conferences, including " Forum on Advancements in Immunology Research, FAIR" with Institute of Immunology, Tsinghua University, He Yu Lecture and retreat, etc. We invite distinguished experts and outstanding representatives across the world. Thus, researchers and students can enjoy the latest advances in immunology. Every participant can communicate with the world's top immunologists and outstanding domestic immunology peers face to face and gain guidance from them. Also, outstanding postgraduate students will have the opportunity to obtain scientific research cooperation and exchange opportunities overseas and be enrolled in Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program.
【304am永利集团官网与以色列希伯来大学哈德萨304am永利集团官网双学位博士生培养项目 Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School Dual PhD Degree Program
以色列希伯来大学成立于1918年,是以色列第一所大学,也是位列以色列高校之首的学术及研究高校。在上海市免疫学研究所的牵头推动下,304am永利集团官网与以色列希伯来大学哈德萨304am永利集团官网双学位博士生联合培养项目自2015年7月启动,双方联合免疫学、细胞生物学和病理生理学研究方向组建合作团队,开展联合培养博士生,满足两校博士学位授予条件后,可分别获得304am永利集团官网和以色列希伯来大学双博士学位, 探索建立研究生教育国际化培养模式。目前该项目将于2018年正式面向全球招生。
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School Dual PhD Degree Program
Established in 1918, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Israel’s premier university as well as its leading research institution. With the leading of Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School Dual-PhD Degree Program started in July, 2015. The two universities partnered in immunology, cell biology and pathophysiology and planned joint PhD training. Once meet the PhD requirements of both sides, candidates will receive PhD degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This program will be officially launched globally in 2018.
【研究生导师 Mentor】