姓名:马晓凡 访问学者
研究方向: 抑郁与慢性疼痛共病
2023年-至今 304am永利集团官网附属第九人民医院 住院医师
2020年-2023年 304am永利集团官网 麻醉学(博士)
2015年-2020年 304am永利集团官网 临床医学(学士)
(1) Xiaofan Ma; Jia Yan; Hong Jiang; Application of Ketamine in Pain Management and the Underlying Mechanism, Pain Research and Management, 2023, 2023: 1-11
(2) Xiaofan Ma; Jiali Peng; Yelin Chen; Zeyi Wang; Qiang Zhou; Jia Yan; Hong Jiang; Esketamine Anesthetizes Mice With a Similar Potency to Racemic Ketamine, Dose-Response, 2023, 21(1): 155932582311575
(3) Jiali Peng; Xiaofan Ma; Yelin Chen; Jia Yan; Hong Jiang; C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N mice exhibit different neuro-behaviors and sensitivity to midazolam- and propofol-induced anesthesia,Physiology & Behavior, 2023, 264: 114146
(4) Linhong Zhong; Xiaofan Ma; Yixuan Niu; Lei Zhang; Zhenyu Xue; Jia Yan; Hong Jiang; Sevoflurane exposure may cause dysplasia of dendritic spines and result in fine motor dysfunction in developing mouse through the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, 16:1006175