This week we had a long weekend. Let’s have a look at where the students went this weekend!
Living in Ottawa
1. 王安石曾说:世之奇伟、瑰怪,非常之观,常在于险远,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能至也。在加蒂诺公园亦是如此,只有踩过泥泞的小路,踏过坚硬的碎石,穿过遮天蔽日的丛林,忍受无处不在的蚊虫,才能在某个瞬间,走到那个阳光普照的薰衣草地,感受到动人的奇景。(戴文轩)
Wang Anshi, a man of letters in ancient China, once said: the magnificence and peculiarity of the world and the extraordinary view often lie in the danger and distances where rare people could reach. So a man without ambition is never accessible to them. This is the same case with the journey to the Gatineau Park. Only if you traverse through muddy paths, step upon the sharp rock, make it through the dense shadow of forests, overcome the mosquitos and insects everywhere can you, at a moment, arrive the lavender group under the sunbath and expose your eyes to the impressive scenes. (Dai Wenxuan)

2. 国会山灯光展,一个被教授、学姐反复推荐的活动,列入了我们长周末的行程单里。在长周末的最后一个夜晚,我们出发前往国会山,观看灯光展。灯光展以投影的方式,介绍了加拿大的历史和文化。我们不仅欣赏了美轮美奂的灯光秀,也了解了更多加拿大的文化背景。(朱天仪)
The Parliament light show, a fascinating activity which is recommended by professors and senior students, topped our travel list. On the last evening of this long weekend, we headed to the Parliament to watch the show. Canadian history, mainly wars, culture, discovery and partnership, were presented lively by the light projection. Apart from the attracting performance, we had a better knowledge of Canadian culture and history. (Zhu Tianyi)

3. Montreal!(叶聪睿 Ye Congrui)
Montreal is a French speaking city. Getting off the greyhound, we found ourselves “illiterates”—we couldn’t understand signpost, names of buildings as well as the advertisement. However, thanks to the Google map we managed to find all destinations

Old Montreal: streets for souvenirs. It’s the first time for me to see so many people in Canada.
Underground City: it’s not a city underground, but a city that many buildings are connected together by roads under the ground. It’s a piece of Berlin wall.
Needless to say, we guys have a good time in Ottawa. Besides that, learning is also quite important. After all, we went here for study~
Study in uOttawa(Yan Xuehan)
The courses in uOttawa include Anthropology, Psychology and English. Different from the way in China, here in class, there is not only the traditional method that teachers teach students, the application of the learned knowledge is also important, which helps to achieve the effect of absorption and transformation. In the second week, we have done disease reports and presentations in English class and group work and presentation in Anthropology. Such things are rare in China, giving us a fresh feeling, all of us have done these missions actively.

Compared with our courses in Shanghai, group work and presentation play an important role in the course of uOttawa. Every course needs us to make groups among several people and search for information, make a report and we have to give a presentation in the front of class in most cases. By this approach of learning, we are able to make preparations for our academic work in the future. Also, during the days in uOttawa, we have learnt some online platforms where we can have access to reliable academic resources.(Zhu Yanzhao)
In conclusion, we have a good day in uOttawa.