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2018上海-渥太华联合304am永利集团官网 Joint Intro Unit —— 告别 & 新开始!


2018上海-渥太华联合304am永利集团官网 Joint Intro Unit —— 告别 & 新开始!


短暂的两周Joint Intro Unit就要接近尾声,我们也即将踏上返程。在这干货满满的一周里,我们珍惜渥太华的每分每秒,相信这最后一周里多姿多彩的活动与课程会给我们此次的游学之旅画上一个圆满的句号!

The two-week joint intro unit is coming to an end, and we are going to leave for Shanghai. We appreciate every second in the meaningful weeks. We believe that the colorful activities and courses will bring a happy ending to the fascinating travel to Ottawa.


Gatineau Park

第一周周日下午借着明媚的阳光我们和Peers一起参加了Gatineau Park的踏青活动。从RGN坐车到公园,穿过静谧的林荫小道,走过清澈见底的湖泊,虽然只是公园的一角,却也有着无限的美景。短短半天的踏青,无疑是忙碌的学习中最好的调剂品,也在一周课程后,以另一种方式增进了我们和Peers之间的友谊。


On last Sunday, we went hiking in Gatineau Park with our peers. From RGN to the park, we paced through the forest and walked along the beautiful lakes. Although it was only a small corner of the whole park, there were still so much great sceneries. The half-day trip was definitely the best relax for the busy week. Also, the friendship between the peers and us was promoted in another way.



说到Joint Intro Unit最有特点的课程那就不能不提到CBLPSD。几乎从未接触过的小组学习形式让我们面临新的挑战,却也收获颇丰。不同于上周的笼统介绍,这周的两节CBL讨论了一个渥太华原住民的高血压案例,大家基于案例说明和补充材料,在课上各抒己见,对病人的行为习惯和特点做了细致的分析。



CBL and PSD are definitely the most distinctive classes in the Joint Intro Unit. Having never had such small group classes, we faced big challenges but we did benefit a lot from it. Different from last week’s introduction, this week’s CBLs were focused on a case about an indigenous patient with hypertension. Based on the case description and other materials, we all came up with our own opinions in different perspectives.

As for PSD, we went to hospitals and retirement homes to improve our interview skills. As it was the first time face-to-face communication with patients, we were very nervous. Also, we were more than careful to avoid offending the patients due to cultural differences. Finally, with the help of the peers and patients, we made it and had great progress in interview skills.


Indigenous Celebration

912日,我们乘坐校车来到了维多利亚岛,参加“Indigenous Festival”,即每年举办一次的渥太华大学304am永利集团官网与加拿大原住民的联谊活动。活动在富有原住民传统特色的音乐与歌声中开始,在304am永利集团官网教授Darlene Kitty的主持下,当地原住民代表们、渥大304am永利集团官网副院长Dr. Forgie等嘉宾先后上台致辞,向我们传递了常怀感恩之心、尊重文化差异能帮助我们更好地为病人服务这一卓越理念。随后我们享用了当地特色午餐。餐后,是原住民音乐、舞蹈表演环节。在和煦的阳光照耀下,我们体验了其传统文化艺术的独特魅力。最后大家一起在草地上手牵手围成圈载歌载舞,活动在大家的欢声笑语中画上了完美的句号。

On September 12th, we went to the Victoria Island for the “Indigenous Festival” which is the annual celebration held by the Faculty of Medicine of uOttawa and the indigenous people in Canada. The Festival began with the traditional indigenous music. The representatives from the indigenous people, Vice Dean Dr. Forgie and other leaders and seniors gave their speeches one after another with the host of Dr. Darlene Kitty, putting forward the prominent idea that always keeping in mind of thankfulness and respecting cultural differences can help us better serve our patients. Afterwards we had the special indigenous lunch there. What came next was the indigenous music and dance shows. We were all amazed by the unique charms of the traditional arts in the mild sunshine. All of us held our hands together on the grassland singing and dancing and the festival went to a perfect end with our laughter and cheers.


Departure Ceremony

周四的下午,在304am永利集团官网的中庭举行了欢送会,我们又一次见到了304am永利集团官网临时院长、联合304am永利集团官网加方院长和老师们有机体生命学的老师Prof. Chapleau, 还有仁济的两位在渥大学习的老师。在Peer Support Program的总结演讲中,赵灵逸同学和Chanhee Seo同学作为大家的代表分享了和peers的有趣经历,以及对这段珍贵的异国友情的感受。这之后,304am永利集团官网的领导们为我们颁发学习证书,祝贺我们顺利完成在加拿大的学习之旅,鼓励我们在之后的学习中再接再厉。我们在今后的医路上也不会忘记院长叮嘱的“3E”:追求优秀,兴奋积极的态度,时刻参与。

On Thursday afternoon, we had the Departure Ceremony in the atrium. We met the Interim dean Dr. Jasmin Bernard, the Founding Dean of OSJSM Dr. Jacques Bradwejn and professors, our teacher of organismal biology Prof. Chapleau, and 2 doctors from Renji Hospital who came to study in the University of Ottawa. As student speakers, Lingyi Zhao and Chanhee Seo represented us to share some interesting experience with peers and our thoughts about the precious friendship. After that, the deans honored us with the Certificate of Completion in the summer school program and OSJSM introduction to the professional unit. They congratulated us for our successful completion of our study in Canada and encouraged us to keep working in the future study. We will not forget the “3E” urged by Dr. Jasmin: excellence, excitement and engagement.


White Coat Ceremony


On September 14th, we attended the last big event in Ottawa— White Coat Ceremony. In the ceremony, the Deans and professors encouraged students to believe in themselves and hoped us to never give up, struggle for excellence and keep moral rules in mind forever. A senior student told us not to be anxious but learn to relax and be a team player. The ceremony was solemn and sacred: the simple decoration, the choir, the violin and harp, the oath, the smiling face and the students’ parents who were so proud of their children. We felt the sacredness of being a doctor and the burden we would bear.


七周的时间匆匆而逝从初来乍到的陌生和MCAT考试到四周后告别Main Campus再从一周的旅行到最后与Peers的相识与告别这七周里我们在渥太华留下了无数美好的回忆。我们会记得人类学的心理学浩如烟海的阅读材料,我们也会记得和Peers一起上课玩耍的欢乐时光,记得加拿大给我们留下的点点滴滴。

Time flies. From arriving to Ottawa, to MCAT, to the farewell to Main Campus, from the trip in the fifth week to the meeting with Peers, now it’s time to say goodbye. We will remember how we struggled in the materials of anthropology and psychology; We will remember the time we spent with our peers. We appreciate every piece of wonderful memory that Canada brought us.



1.        在学校,PSDCBLLecture,我们积极参与课堂讨论,与病人亲切交流,倾听病人的痛苦与寂寞,第一次近距离的感受到了医生的重任;在宿舍,大富翁,switch游戏机,红酒杯喝冰镇可乐,夜聊,吃龙虾,每个人都享受着这开学前的快乐时光。多年以后,当我们早已忘记在加拿大的上课内容时,看到这照片,欢乐的音符会再次回荡在心中。

In school, we had PSD, CBL, lectures, which involved both discussions in class and interview with patients where we listened to their pains and loneliness, which granted us the very first chance to feel the responsibility taken up by doctors; back in our hotel rooms, we played Monopoly, Switch, drunk iced coke, chatted in midnight and ate lobster, doing whatever we think of to make the most out of this last period of our journey. Years and years later, when what lessons we had here we can no longer recall, only the happiness and excitement we once shared with each other is long-lasting and never-fading, along with that photoes as symbol for this particular piece of memory.


2.        第二周在渥大的生活依旧让人充满新鲜感。CBL课上,我们讨论案例,分析资料,然后再根据这些给出建议。这是我第一次用英语参加讨论,这和在国内给人的感觉截然不同。几个同学在课上带来了零食给大家分享,这让课堂从一开始就沉浸在轻松的氛围中。我们主要讨论了医患关系以及可行的解决手段,而我也很享受这个过程并积极参与其中(特别是提到中医药的时候)。PSD课上,我们走进病房对患者进行访谈,考虑到我有限的英语能力,不得不说这是一次新鲜又有趣的挑战。我一开始以为访谈的重点是获知患者的病情,可导师的讲解让我明白过来锻炼交流能力才是最关键的。想必这个最初的病人会一直在我脑海中挥之不去吧。学习之余,我们也参与了当地原住民的庆典活动,departure ceremonywhite coat ceremony。这最后的一周实在是让我感慨颇多。

The second week’s study was quite fresh to me. The courses, CBL and PSD, we went to the formal lectures . In CBL, we began to discuss about the case, to analysis the material and suggest what we should do. This was my first time to participant in discussion in English, and it was quite different from that in China. At the beginning of the class, some of my classmates brought snacks and shared with the whole class, thus the discussion immersed in a relaxed atmosphere. We discussed about the relationship between doctors and patients and tried to figure out what we can do to deal with the case. Contrary to what I had expected, I participated in the discussion quite well and what was exciting was that we even talked a lot about Traditional Chinese Medicine. In PSD, I went into the inpatient wards to practice interviewing skills . It was a hard time for me whose mother tongue is not English to communicate with a patient but it was also an interesting and brand-new experience. I considered interviewing as a talk about symptoms and diseases before, but after the lecture and practicing, I began to know the importance and skills hidden behind the interviewing and I thought the patient, who was my first patient, will be in my memory for a long time. Besides studying, we also took part in the Indigenous Celebration, the Departure Ceremony and White Coat Ceremony. We learned a lot and enjoyed a lot from the last week.


3.        CBL Tutor开玩笑说我们回国之后会再经历一次"Culture Shock",我发现才生活了不到两个月的地方竟然也会有感情,回上海等到TimHotons开业也许会有点莫名的情绪。或许是因为我不仅仅在这里学习更在这里生活过吧。很庆幸自己能够到这里来,和老朋友一起生活,遇到新的朋友们。和大家买各种食材和调料尝试从"黑暗料理"到能够凑成一整桌菜,或者去餐厅从菜谱里认识新的单词。一起上课去多伦多一起去看难懂的comedy和维多利亚岛的音乐舞蹈。很多时候在想有朋友们一起来陌生的国家生活真的很幸运,很开心在这里更好地认识了他们。也很幸运认识了Chanhee还有Shaima还有很多只说过几句话上课坐在旁边的小姐姐们,Chanhee有些腼腆但是非常友好,Shaima小姐姐妈妈做的面条超好吃!大概作为外国人我做错过很多事情吧(并不十分熟悉这里的相处方式),他们一直都很宽容和友好,如果没有他们我无法想象这两周我将如何艰难。或许PSP项目介绍里的lifelong relationship 还有点遥远,但是PSPUGME真的意外地改变了我很多(各种方面),在这里的一切会变成我极其珍贵的回忆吧。

“You guys might again experience Culture Shock”, so said my tutor of CBL. Though it was but a joke, it was not until then that I realized I do have a feeling for this land, which I stood on for less than 2 months. Well, I guess I may have feelings when seeing Tim Hortons opens in Shanghai soon. It’s the place where I studied and lived, and I’m happy to have been here, leading an exotic life with friends both old and new. With them, we bought all sorts of ingredients, learning to cook something step by step, or learned new words out of menus in different restaurants. Together we went to Toronto, to comedy night and to Victoria Island for Indigenous Celebration. For many times I felt lucky not being here alone, and meeting every one of my Canadian friends. It’s also lucky to have meeting Chan, Shaima, and many girls who sat by my side in class. Chanhee might be shy, but he’s no doubt friendly to me, and, by the way, the noodle cooked by Shaima’s mom was awesome! I might have done lots of things that seem inappropriate to Canadians, but they’ve always been nice to me, and I can’t even imagine how tough my two weeks could have been without my friends. Even if we are not there yet, not like what PSP program has intended --- establishing a lifelong relationship, still PSP and OSJSM UGME Program changed me in many ways, and not doubt the experience here would be my very much cherished memory.