
欧阳凤秀/ 职称:教授

学历学位:博士 研究生

Email: ouyangfengxiu@xinhuamed.com.cn





在国内外学术期刊如Environmental Health PerspectivesAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionJournal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyBulletin of the World Health OrganizationObesity发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录70余篇。





全国卫生产业企业管理协会(NAHIEM)抗衰老分会(Anti-aging Association),理事









1. 国家自然科学基金中美国际合作重点项目,孕妇低剂量汞暴露对代谢组学及儿童心血管代谢健康的影响,中美合作前瞻性出生队列研究,在研,中方项目负责人。

2. 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项(科技部)中加合作多中心随机对照临床试验数据信息整合管理平台建设,在研,项目负责人。

3. 上海交通学304am永利集团官网高峰高原计划—临床专职科研队伍(上海市教育委员会高峰高原学科建设计划),环境内分泌干扰物暴露对妊娠期内分泌疾病及出生结局的影响,在研,项目负责人。

4. 国际原子能机构IAEA协调研究项目,生命早期综合干预与儿童体脂成分,在研,项目负责人。

5. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)亚太地区RAS6092项目IAEA技术合作(TC)亚太地区15国项目(中国协调员),利用稳定同位素技术监测和干预促进婴幼儿营养, 1/1/2018-12/31/2021,项目负责人。

6. 国家自然科学基金-加拿大健康研究院合作重大项目,中加合作健康生命轨迹计划:预防儿童肥胖的社区-家庭-母婴综合干预队列研究,在研,子课题负责人/骨干。

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,生命早期三氯生暴露对婴幼儿肠道菌群及肥胖的影响,2017.01-2020.12,结题,项目负责人。

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,双酚A宫内暴露对儿童肥胖的影响及作用机理,2014.01-2017.12,结题,项目负责人。

9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,儿童肥胖的生命早期危险因素及生物标记物研究,2012.01-2014.12,结题,项目负责人。

10. 盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation),Grant Challenges Conference HBGDki,A consortium project on child growth in China,结题,课题负责人。

11. 2012年上海市浦江人才计划,已结题。

12. 304am永利集团官网国际合作与交流处引智项目,预防儿童肥胖的营养干预队列研究, 邀请专家-Lise Dubois(渥太华大学教授), 2016.1-2016.122017.1-2017.12,课题负责人。

13. 304am永利集团官网附属新华医院“优青后人才计划”,2012.07-2015.06


1. Yang M-N#, Huang R#, Liu X, ..., Ouyang F* and Luo Z-C*.Fibroblast Growth Factor 19 in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Fetal Growth.Front Endocrinol. 2022; 12:805722.

2. Fan P, Chen Y, Luo Z-C, ..., Ouyang F*. Cord blood thyroid hormones and neurodevelopment in 2-year-old boys and girls. Frontiers in Nutrition, section Nutritional Epidemiology. 2021; 8:773965.

3. Ma R, Tang N, Feng L, ..., Ouyang F*. Effects of Triclosan exposure on placental extravillous trophoblast motility, relevant IGF2/H19 signaling and DNA methylation-related enzymes of HTR-8/SVneo cells. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021; 228:113051.

4. Tang N#, Fan P#, Yu X, ..., Ouyang F*. Effects of Long-Term Triclosan Exposure on Microbiota in Zebrafish. Front Microbiol. 2021; 12:604313.

5. Ouyang F*, Zhang GH, Du K, Shen L, Ma R, Wang X, Wang X, Zhang J. Maternal prenatal urinary bisphenol A level and child cardio-metabolic risk factors: A prospective cohort study. Environ Pollut. 2020; 265:115008.  

6. Ouyang F*, Tang N, Zhang HJ, Wang X, Zhao S, Wang W, Zhang J, Cheng W. Maternal urinary triclosan level, gestational diabetes mellitus and birth weight in Chinese women. Sci Total Environ. 2018; 626:451-457.

7. Wang X, Ouyang F*(corresponding author), Feng L, Wang X, Liu Z, Zhang J. Maternal urinary triclosan concentration in relation to maternal and neonatal thyroid hormone levels: a prospective study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2017; 125 (6): 067017.

8. S Rothenberg, S Korrick, J Liu, ..., F Ouyang. Maternal methylmercury exposure through rice ingestion and child neurodevelopment in the first three years: a prospective cohort study in rural China. Environ Health. 2021; 20:50.

9. N Tang, Z-C Luo, L Zhang, ..., F Ouyang*. The Association between Gestational Diabetes and Microbiota in Placenta and Cord Blood. Frontiers in Endocrinology, section Clinical Diabetes. 2020; 11:550319.

10. Wang W-J#, Wang S#, Yang M-N#, Dong Y#, He H#, ..., Ouyang F* and Luo Z-C*. Fetuin-A in Infants Born Small- or Large-for-Gestational-Age. Front. Endocrinol. 2020; 11:567955.

11. Wang X, Tang N, Nakayama SF, ..., Ouyang F*. Maternal urinary bisphenol A concentration and thyroid hormone levels of Chinese mothers and newborns by maternal body mass index. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020; 27:10939-10949.

12. Fan P, Luo ZC, Tang N, ..., Ouyang F*. Advanced Maternal Age, Mode of Delivery, and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Chinese Newborns. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020; 10:913.

13. Wang WJ#, Zhang L#, Zheng T, ..., Ouyang F*, Luo ZC* . Fetuin-A and fetal growth in gestational diabetes mellitus. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2020; 8:e000864.

14. 欧阳凤秀*, 热伊莱·塔伊尔, 范翩翩, 陈 磊, 张 军, 王伟业. REDCap在母婴干预队列数据采集及管理中的应用. 304am永利集团官网学报(医学版)2020; 40 (9):1309-14.

15. Wang WJ#, Zhang L#, Zhang DL, ..., Ouyang F*, Luo ZC*, Shanghai Birth Cohort Study. Exploring Fetal Sex Dimorphism in the Risk Factors of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus-A Prospective Cohort Study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2019; 10:848.

16. Wang XR#, Wang WJ#, Yu X, Hua X, Ouyang F*, Luo ZC*. Insulin-Like Growth Factor Axis Biomarkers and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2019; 10:444.

17. Aimuzi R#, Luo K#, Chen Q, ..., Ouyang F*, Zhang J*. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances and fetal thyroid hormone levels in umbilical cord blood among newborns by prelabor caesarean delivery. Environ Int. 2019; 130:104929.

18. Zhang Q, Chen H, Wang Y, ..., Ouyang F, Huang H, Liu Z. Severe vitamin D deficiency in the first trimester is associated with placental inflammation in high-risk singleton pregnancy. Clin Nutr. 2019; 38(4):1921-1926.

19. Zhu W, Zhou W, Huo X, ..., Ouyang F, Wang W, Tian Y, Zhang J, Shanghai Birth Cohort Study. Triclosan and Female Reproductive Health: A Preconceptional Cohort Study. Epidemiology. 2019; 30 Suppl 1:S24-S31.

20. Liao XP, Yu Y, Marc I, ..., Ouyang F, Huang HF, Fraser WD. Prenatal determinants of childhood obesity: a review of risk factors. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2019; 97(3):147-154.

21. Zhang J, Tian Y, Wang W, Ouyang F, ..., Shanghai Birth Cohort. Cohort profile: the Shanghai Birth Cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2019; 48(1):21-21g.

22. Zhang Y#, Ji L#, Hu Y, ..., Ouyang F, Zhang J, Gao Y*, Tian Y*, Shanghai Birth Cohort Study. Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides and Menstrual Cycle Characteristics in Chinese Preconceptional Women. Am J Epidemiol. 2020; 189(5):375-383.

23. 唐宁, 欧阳凤秀(通讯作者). 生命早期环境内分泌干扰物暴露与儿童过敏性疾病关系的研究进展. 304am永利集团官网学报(医学版) 2019, 第39卷第9期:1100-1106.

24. Ouyang F*, Jiang F, Tao F, ..., Zhang J*. Growth patterns from birth to 24 months in Chinese children: a birth cohorts study across China. BMC Pediatr. 2018; 18(1):344.

25. Wang H, Yu X, Huang L, Chen Q, Ouyang F, Wang X, Zhang J. Fetal vitamin D concentration and growth, adiposity and neurodevelopment during infancy. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018; 72(10):1396-1403.

26. Shi L, Jiang F, Ouyang F, Zhang J, Wang Z, Shen X. DNA methylation markers in combination with skeletal and dental ages to improve age estimation in children. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2018; 33:1-9.

27. Shi L, Jiang F, Ouyang F, Zhang J, Shen X. Using physical examinations to estimate age in elementary school children: A Chinese population-based study. J Sport Health Sci. 2017; 6(3):352-358.

28. Wang Xu, Gao X, Yang Q, Wang Xia, Li S, Jiang F, Zhang J, Ouyang F (corresponding author). Sleep Disorders and Allergic Diseases in Chinese Toddlers. Sleep Medicine. 2017; 37: 174-179.

29. Wang X*, Wang X, Chen Q, ..., Ouyang F*. Urinary bisphenol A concentration and gestational diabetes mellitus in Chinese women. Epidemiology2017, Suppl 2017; Suppl 1:S41-S47.  

30. 唐宁, 王霞, 王旭, 赵莎莎, 余晓刚, 欧阳凤秀*. 孕妇尿酚类环境内分泌干扰物浓度检测的尿样收集方法比较. 304am永利集团官网学报(医学版) 2017(06):816-21.

31. 欧阳凤秀, 王旭. 生命早期肠道菌群的影响因素与儿童肥胖. 304am永利集团官网学报(医学版) 2016(09):1378-82.

32. Ouyang F, Parker MG, Luo ZC, Wang X, Zhang HJ, Jiang F, Wang X, Gillman MW, Zhang J. Maternal BMI, Gestational Diabetes and Weight Gain in Relation to Childhood Obesity: The Mediation Effect of Placental Weight. Obesity.2016; 24(4): 938-46.

33. Ouyang F, Longnecker MP, Venners SA, Johnson S, Korrick S, Zhang J, Xu X, Christian P, Wang MC, Wang X. Preconception serum 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane and B-vitamin status: independent and joint effects on women's reproductive outcomes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2014; 100(6):1470-8.

34. Ouyang F, Zhang J, Betran Lazaga AP, Yang Z, Souza JP, Merialdi M. Recurrence of Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Developing Countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2013; 91:357-367

35. Ouyang F, Parker M, Cerda S, Pearson C, Fu L, Gillman MW, Zuckerman B, Wang X. Placental Weight Mediates the Effects of Prenatal Factors on Fetal Growth: the Extent Differs by Preterm Status. Obesity. 2013; 21:609-620.

36. Ouyang F, Christoffel KK, Brickman WJ, Zimmerman D, Wang B, Xing H, Zhang S, Arguelles LM, Wang G, Liu R, Xu X, Wang X. Adiposity is inversely related to insulin sensitivity in relatively lean Chinese adolescents: A population based twin study.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2010; 91(3):662-71.

37. Ouyang F, Kumar R, Pongracic J, Story R, Liu X, Wang B, Xing H, Liu X, Li Z, Zhang W, Fang Y, Zhang S, Xu X, Wang X.  Adiposity, serum lipid levels, and allergic sensitization in Chinese men and women. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2009; 123 (4): 940-8.

38. Ouyang F, Lu B, Wang B, Yang J, Li Z, Wang L, Tang G, Xing H, Xu X, Chervin R, Zee P, Wang X.  Sleep patterns among Rural Chinese Twin Adolescents.  Sleep Medicine.  2009; 10 (4): 479-89.  

39. Ouyang F, Necheles J, Wang B, Ma W, Li Z, Liu X, Tang G, Xing H, Xu X, Venners S, Brickman W, Christoffel KK, Zimmerman D, Wang X. Association of surrogate and direct measures of adiposity with risk of metabolic syndrome in rural Chinese women.  European Journal of Nutrition. 2009; 48 (6): 323-32.  

40. Ouyang F, Wang X, Arguelles L, Rosul L, Venners S, Chen C, Hsu Y, Terwedow H, Wu D, Tang G, Yang J, Xing H, Zang T, Wang B, Xu X.  Menstrual cycle lengths and bone mineral density: a cross-sectional, population-based study in rural Chinese women ages 30-49 years.  Osteoporosis International.  2007;18(2):221-233.

41. Perry MJ, Ouyang F, Korrick S, Venners SA, Chen C, Xu X, Lasley BL, Wang X.  A prospective study of serum DDT and progesterone and estrogen levels across the menstrual cycle in nulliparous women of reproductive age.  American Journal of Epidemiology.  2006; 164(11):1056-1064.

42. Perry M, Ouyang F, Korrick S, Venners S, Altshul L, Xu X, Wang X. Body Mass Index and Serum 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-Bis(p-Chlorophenyl)Ethane in Nulliparous Chinese Women.  Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.  2005; 14(10):2433–8.  

43. Ouyang F, Perry M, Venners S, Chen C, Wang B, Yang F, Fang Z, Zang T, Wang L, Xu X, Wang X. Serum DDT, Age at Menarche, and Abnormal Menstrual Cycle Length.  Occupational and Environmental Medicine.  2005; 62:878-884.