
冉进军/ 职称:副研究员/硕士生导师


Email: jinjunr@sjtu.edu.cn


长期从事心-脑系统疾病和健康城市建设相关研究,应用环境流行病学,分子流行病学和多组学的理论和方法,探讨心-脑系统疾病的危险因素、致病机制和有效干预。迄今累计发表80余篇SCI收录论文,其中以通讯/第一作者(含共同)身份在高影响力期刊Nature Cardiovascular Research, European Respiratory Journal, Diabetes Care, Environment International, Journal of Travel Medicine, Age and Ageing等发表论文近30篇。目前担任Aging and Disease杂志和Science in One Health杂志青年编委。


2022.02 − 至今


2020.12 − 2022.01


2019.09 − 2020.01


2016.11 − 2020.10


2015.09 − 2016.08


2010.09 − 2015.07



1. -脑系统疾病的环境流行病学研究

2. -脑系统疾病的分子流行病学研究

3. 基于多学科交叉的健康城市建设研究









1. Lefei Han; Shi Zhao; Siyuan Li; Siyu Gu; Xiaobei Deng; Lin Yang; Jinjun Ran; Excess cardiovascular mortality across multiple COVID-19 waves in the United States from March 2020 to March 2022, 2023, Nature Cardiovascular Research, 2, 322–333.

2. Siyuan Li; Lefei Han; Haoting Shi; Marc KC Chong; Shi Zhao; Jinjun Ran; Excess deaths from Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA, 2022, Age and Ageing, 51(12), afac277.

3. Jinjun Ran; Shi Zhao; Lefei Han; Yang Ge; Marc KC Chong, Wangnan Cao; Shengzhi Sun; Increase in Diabetes Mortality Associated with COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, Diabetes Care, 2021.

4. Jinjun Ran; Yamin Zhang; Lefei Han; Shengzhi Sun; Shi Zhao; Chen Shen; Xiaohong Zhang; King-Pan Chan; Ruby Siu-yin Lee; Yulan Qiu; Linwei Tian; The joint association of physical activity and fine particulate matter exposure with incident dementia in elderly Hong Kong residents, Environment International, 2021, 156: 106645.

5. Jinjun Ran; C. Mary Schooling; Lefei Han; Shengzhi Sun; Shi Zhao; Xiaohong Zhang; King-Pan Chan; Fang Guo; Ruby Siu-yin Lee; Yulan Qiu; Linwei Tian; Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter and dementia incidence: A cohort study in Hong Kong, Environmental Pollution, 2021, 271: 116303.

6. Jinjun Ran; Shi Zhao; Lefei Han; Gengze Liao; Kai Wang; Maggie H. Wang; Daihai He; A Re-analysis in Exploring the Association between Temperature and COVID-19 Transmissibility: An Ecological Study with 154 Chinese Cities, European Respiratory Journal, 2020, 56(2): 2001253.

7. Jinjun Ran; Shi Zhao; Lefei Han; Yulan Qiu; Peihua Cao; Zuyao Yang; Marc KC Chong; Lin Yang; Maggie H Wang H; Daihai He; Effects of Particulate Matter Exposure on the Transmissibility and Case Fatality Rate of COVID-19: A Nationwide Ecological Study in China, Journal of Travel Medicine, 2020, 27(6): taaa133.

8. Jinjun Ran; Shi Zhao; Lefei Han; Dieyi Chen; Zuyao Yang; Lin Yang; Maggie H Wang; Daihai He; The ambient ozone and COVID-19 transmissibility in China: A data-driven ecological study of 154 cities, Journal of Infection, 2020, 81(3): E9-E11.

9. Jinjun Ran; Shengzhi Sun; Lefei Han; Shi Zhao; Dieyi Chen; Fang Guo; Jinhui Li; Hong Qiu; Yujie Lei; Linwei Tian; Fine particulate matter and cause-specific mortality in the Hong Kong elder patients with chronic kidney disease, Chemosphere, 2020, 247: 125913.

10. Jinjun Ran; Aimin Yang; Shengzhi Sun; Lefei Han; Jinhui Li; Fang Guo; Shi Zhao; Yang Yang; Tonya G. Mason; King-Pan Chan; Ruby Siu-Yin Lee; Hong Qiu; Linwei Tian; Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter and Mortality from Renal Failure: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Hong Kong, China, American Journal of Epidemiology, 2020, 189(6): 602-612.