钟文泽(VictorW. Zhong)
美国营养学会营养流行病组候任主席(Chair-Elect for theAmerican Society for Nutrition Nutritional Epidemiology Research Interest Section)
美国心脏学会流行病与预防委员会青年委员(American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Early Career Committee)
钟文泽(Victor W. Zhong),研究员、流行病学与生物统计学系学科带头人、美国营养学会营养流行病组候任主席、美国心脏学会流行病与预防委员会青年委员。2011年本科毕业于华中科技大学预防医学专业;2012-2016年在美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校攻读营养流行病学博士学位;2017-2019年在美国西北大学304am永利集团官网预防医学系做博士后;2019-2020年担任康奈尔大学营养科学系tenure-track助理教授。
钟文泽博士从事糖尿病和心血管疾病流行病学、营养学、医学信息学和组学等跨领域研究,研究糖尿病和心血管疾病的病因、疾病进展、流行病学监测和预防策略。在美期间以PI身份获得美国政府、学会和学术机构的各项科研经费300多万美金。迄今在JAMA、JAMA Internal Medicine、Diabetes Care、International Journal of Epidemiology等顶尖期刊发表多篇第一作者和通讯作者论文,被纽约时报、华尔街日报、央视等300多家媒体报道超过600次,包括纽约时报专栏文章。2019年发表于JAMA的论文是该刊年度最受关注论文,Altmetric指数排名第一;在270万篇发表于2019年的论文中Altmetric指数排第23。担任JAMA、BMJ、 Annals of Internal Medicine、Diabetes Care等期刊的审稿人和仲裁人50多次。参与编写和评审美国NIH/NIDDK组织专家编写的权威糖尿病专著《Diabetes in America》第三版相关章节。多次荣获美国营养学会和美国心脏学会颁发的青年研究学者奖、博士后奖和博士生奖等。
Dr. Victor W. Zhong is currently leading the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, serving as the Chair-Elect for the American Society for Nutrition Nutritional Epidemiology Research Interest Section, and on the American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Early Career Committee. Dr. Zhong graduated from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2011, majoring in preventive medicine. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in nutritional epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2016 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in 2019. Between 2019 and 2020, Dr. Zhong was a tenure-track assistant professor at Cornell University Division of Nutritional Sciences.
Dr. Zhong conducts multidisciplinary research in epidemiology, nutrition, medical informatics and omics. The overarching goal of Dr. Zhong’s multidisciplinary research program is to advance our understanding of cardiometabolic diseases through investigating the etiology, progression, prevention and surveillance of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Zhong has secured research funds of over 3 million US dollars from government, not-for-profit organizations and academic institutions. He has published first author and corresponding author articles in leading journals such as JAMA, JAMA Internal Medicine, Diabetes Care and International Journal of Epidemiology. Research findings havebeen reported by more than 300 national and international news outlets for over 600 timesincluding The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and China Central Television as well as a NYT column article. His JAMA article in 2019 is the most talked about article of the year at JAMA and the Top 100 Articles of the Year (ranked No.23) according to the Altmetric among a total of 2.7 million research outputs in 2019. Dr. Zhong has served as a peer reviewer for JAMA, BMJ, Annals of Internal Medicine, Diabetes Care, among others. He co-authored and reviewed relevant chapters for Diabetes in America, 3rd edition, a comprehensive reference book for diabetes published by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Dr. Zhong has received early-career investigator awards, postdoctoral fellowship and predoctoral fellowship multiple times from the American Heart Association and American Society for Nutrition.
主要研究方向(Research Interests)
Dr. Zhong conducts multidisciplinary research in epidemiology, nutrition, medical informatics and omics. His cross-disciplinary research program focuses oninvestigating the etiology, progression, prevention and surveillance of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
主要研究成果(Major Research Outputs)
1.著作章节(Book Chapters)
1.Imperatore G, Mayer-Davis EJ, Orchard TJ,Zhong VW. Prevalence and incidence of type 1 diabetes among children and adults in the United States and comparison with non-U.S. countries. Chapter 2 in Diabetes in America, 3rd ed. Cowie CC, Casagrande SS, Menke A, Cissell MA, Eberhardt MS, Meigs JB, Gregg EW, Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Becker DJ, Brancati FL, Boyko EJ, Herman WH, Howard BV, Narayan KMV, Rewers M, Fradkin JE, Eds. Bethesda, MD, National Institutes of Health, NIH Pub No. 17-1468, 2018[, p. 2.1–2.17].
2.第一作者和通讯作者*论文(First Author and Corresponding Author* Publications)
1.Zhong VW*,Ning H, Van Horn L, Carnethon MR, Wilkins JT, Lloyd-Jones DM, Allen NB. Diet quality and long-term absolute risks for incident cardiovascular disease and mortality.Am J Med. 2021 Apr;134(4):490-498.e24.
2.Zhong VW*,Allen NB,Greenland P, Carnethon MR, Ning H, Wilkins JT, Lloyd-Jones DM, Van Horn L. Protein foods from animal sources, incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: a substitution analysis.Int J Epidemiol. 2021 Mar 3;50(1):223-233.
3.Zhong VW*, Van Horn L, Greenland P, Carnethon MR, Ning H, Wilkins JT, Lloyd-Jones DM, Allen NB. Associations of Processed Meat, Unprocessed Red Meat, Poultry, or Fish Intake with Incident Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality.JAMA Intern Med. 2020 Feb 3;180(4):503-512.
4.Zhong VW*. Eggs, dietary cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease: the debate continues.J Thorac Dis. 2019 Sep;11(9):E148-E150.
5.Zhong VW*, Van Horn L, Allen NB. Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption and Cardiovascular Outcomes-Reply.JAMA. 2019 Aug 6;322(5):467. (Letter to the Editor)
6.Zhong VW, Kuang A, Danning RD, van Dam RM, Chasman DI, Cornelis MC. A genome-wide association study of bitter and sweet beverage consumption.Hum Mol Genet. 2019 Jul 15;28(14):2449-2457. (Ranked#2among all HMG articles tracked by the Altmetric)
7.Zhong VW, Juhaeri J, Cole SR, Shay CM, Gordon-Larsen P, Kontopantelis E, Mayer-Davis EJ. Proximal HbA1Clevel and first hypoglycemia hospitalization in adults with incident type 2 diabetes: a nested case-control study.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Jun 1;104(6):1989-1998.
8.Zhong VW*, Van Horn L, Cornelis MC, Wilkins JT, Ning H, Carnethon MR, Greenland P, Mentz RJ, Tucker KL, Zhao L, Norwood AF, Lloyd-Jones DM, Allen NB*. Associations of dietary cholesterol or egg consumption with incident cardiovascular disease and mortality.JAMA.2019 Mar 19;321(11):1081-1095. (Top 100 Articles of 2019by Altmetric (No. 23) & No. 1 in JAMA in 2019)
9.Zhong VW, Bancks MP, Schreiner PJ, Lewis CE, Steffen LM, Meigs JB, Schrader LA, Schorr M, Miller KK, Sidney S, Carnethon MR. Insulin resistance since early adulthood and appendicular lean mass in middle-aged adults without diabetes: 20 years of the CARDIA study.J Diabetes Complications. 2019 Jan;33(1):84-90.
10.Zhong VW, Juhaeri J, Mayer-Davis EJ. Trends in hospital admission for diabetic ketoacidosis in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England, 1998-2013: a retrospective cohort study.Diabetes Care. 2018 Sep;41(9):1870-1877. (Featured on the Cover)
11.Zhong VW, Juhaeri J, Cole SR, Shay CM, Gordon-Larsen P, Kontopantelis E, Mayer-Davis EJ. HbA1Cvariability and hypoglycemia hospitalization in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: a nested case-control study.J Diabetes Complications. 2018 Feb;32(2):203-209.
12.Zhong VW, Juhaeri J, Cole SR, Kontopantelis E, Shay CM, Gordon-Larsen P, Mayer-Davis EJ. Incidence and temporal trends in hypoglycemia hospitalization in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England, 1998 to 2013: a retrospective cohort study.Diabetes Care. 2017 Dec;40(12):1651-1660.
13.Zhong VW, Crandell JL, Shay CM, Gordon-Larsen P, Cole SR, Juhaeri J, Kahkoska AR, Maahs DM, Seid M, Forlenza GP, Mayer-Davis EJ. Dietary intake and risk of non-severe hypoglycemia in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.J Diabetes Complications. 2017 Aug;31(8):1340-1347.
14.Zhong VW, Obeid JS, Craig JB, Pfaff ER, Thomas J, Jaacks LM, Beavers DP, Carey TS, Lawrence JM, Dabelea D, Hamman RF, Bowlby DA, Pihoker C, Saydah SH, Mayer-Davis EJ. An efficient approach for surveillance of childhood diabetes by type derived from electronic health record data: the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study.J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 Nov;23(6):1060-1067.
15.Zhong VW, Lamichhane AP, Crandell JL, Couch SC, Liese AD, The NS, Tzeel BA, Dabelea D, Lawrence JM, Marcovina SM, Kim G, Mayer-Davis EJ. Association of adherence to a Mediterranean diet with glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in youth with type I diabetes: the SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study.Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016 Jul;70(7):802-7.
16.Zhong VW, Pfaff ER, Beavers DP, Thomas J, Jaacks LM, Bowlby DA, Carey TS, Lawrence JM, Dabelea D, Hamman RF, Pihoker C, Saydah SH, Mayer-Davis EJ; Search for Diabetes in Youth Study Group. Use of administrative and electronic health record data for development of automated algorithms for childhood diabetes case ascertainment and type classification: the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study.Pediatr Diabetes. 2014 Dec;15(8):573-84.
获得荣誉称号(Honors and Awards)
2018Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Early Career Investigator Award,American Heart Association
2018Roger R. Williams Award for Genetic Epidemiology and the Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis,American Heart Association
2018Jeremiah and Rose Stamler Research Award for New Investigators(finalist), American Heart Association
2017American Heart Association Strategically Focused Research Network Postdoctoral Fellowship
2015American Society for Nutrition Predoctoral Fellowship
2012-2016Sanofi-University of North Carolina Global Nutrition Scholar