1983-1993年就读于北京大学化学系(现北京大学化学与分子工程学院),依次获学士学位(1987年)、硕士学位(1990年,有机化学)和博士学位(1993年,有机化学)。1993-1996年在中国科学院上海有机化学研究所蒋锡夔院士课题组进行博士后研究,1996-1998年在以色列魏茨曼科学研究所(Weizmann Institute of Science)有机化学系从事视紫红质(rhodopsin)研究,1999-2006年先后在美国威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin-Madison)生物化学系和比较生物科学系从事固氮酶(nitrogenase)研究和1,3-丁二烯毒理研究,2006-2008年在美国阿姆斯特学院(Amherst College)化学系从事蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶(protein tyrosine phosphatases)研究,2008-2017年在上海大学环境与化学工程学院环境污染与健康研究所任研究员,2017年至今任304am永利集团官网公共卫生学院研究员。主要从事化合物代谢、遗传毒性、DNA加合物和致癌机理的研究,研究领域涉及化学、毒理学、生物化学、细胞生物学以及环境科学。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,在毒理学、分析化学和环境科学等学科国际知名期刊如Chemical Research in Toxicology、Analytical Chemistry和Environment International等发表论文20余篇,受邀撰写《Advances in Molecular Toxicology》(Vol. 12,Elsevier出版集团)中的一章。2017年获上海市自然科学奖三等奖,是多个专业协会会员,包括美国化学会、中国毒理学会、中国环境科学学会(高级会员)和中国药理学会(药物代谢专业委员会委员),并任Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology杂志编委。
1. 髓过氧化酶(myeloperoxidase)和中性粒细胞参与的代谢、代谢产物和生物标志,以及这种代谢与炎症和慢性疾病的关系;
2. 胆红素降解产物与蛛网膜下腔出血并发症的关联。
1.Wen-Jing Wu, Wei-Feng Tang, Ming-Hui Xiang*, Jianshe Yan, Xiumei Cao, Chang-Hui Zhou, Yan Chang, Jing Xi, Yi-Yi Cao, Yang Luan,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Isotope dilution LC/ESI--MS-MS quantitation of urinary 1,4-bis(N-acetyl-S-cysteinyl)-2-butanone in mice and rats as the biomarker of 1-chloro-2-hydroxy-3-butene, an in vitro metabolite of 1,3-butadiene.Chemico-Biological Interactions2019,311, 108760.
2.Hao Xu, Chao Feng, Yiyi Cao, Ying Lu, Jing Xi, Jieyun Ji, Dasheng Lu*,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Yang Luan, Distribution of the parent compound and its metabolites in serum, urine, and feces of mice administered 2,2¢,4,4¢-tetrabromodiphenyl ether.Chemosphere2019,225, 217-225.
3.Xin-Yu Zhang*, Adnan A Elfarra*,Myeloperoxidase-mediated bioactivation of olefins.InAdvances in Molecular Toxicology,Vol. 12(J. C. Fishbein and J. M. Heilman Eds.) Chapter 4, Academic Press, Cambridge, USA,2018.
4.Xin-Yu Zhang, Adnan A Elfarra*,Toxicity mechanism-based prodrugs: glutathione-dependent bioactivation as a strategy for anticancer prodrug design.Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery2018,13, 815-824.https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/vpsPKjTX8GDRNSBsvgch/full.
5.Ye Wang, Ying-Xin Yu, Yang Luan, Jing An, Dong-Guang Yin,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Bioactivation of 1-chloro-2-hydroxy-3-butene, an in vitro metabolite of 1,3-butadiene, by rat liver microsomes.Chemico-Biological Interactions2018,282, 36-44.http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0009279717310918.
6.Xin-Yu Zhang*, Adnan A. Elfarra*, Potential roles of myeloperoxidase and hypochlorous acid in metabolism and toxicity of alkene hydrocarbons and drug molecules containing olefinic moieties.Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology2017,13, 513-524.http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/xIZWGQjBGdWgGKMVCkG2/full.
7.Ling-Yan Liu, Jin Zheng, Cong Kong, Jing An, Ying-Xin Yu,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Adnan A. Elfarra*, Characterization of the major purine and pyrimidine adducts formed after incubations of 1-chloro-3-buten-2-one with single-/double-stranded DNA and human cells.Chemical Research in Toxicology2017,30, 552-563.
8.Fang-Mao Zeng, Ling-Yan Liu, Jin Zheng, Cong Kong, Jing An, Ying-Xin Yu,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Adnan A. Elfarra*, Identification of a fused-ring 2¢-deoxyadenosine adduct formed in human cells incubated with 1-chloro-3-buten-2-one, a potential reactive metabolite of 1,3-butadiene.Chemical Research in Toxicology2016,29, 1041-1050.
9.Jin Zheng, Yan Li, Ying-Xin Yu, Jing An,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Adnan A. Elfarra*, Novel adducts from the reaction of 1-chloro-3-buten-2-one with 2¢-deoxyguanosine. Structural characterization and potential as tools to investigate 1,3-butadiene carcinogenicity.Chemico-Biological Interactions2015,226, 40-48.
10.Ying Wen, Keyin Liu, Huiran Yang, Yi Li, Haichuang Lan,Xinyu Zhang*, Tao Yi*, A highly sensitive ratiometric fluorescent probe for the detection of cytoplasmic and nuclear hydrogen peroxide.Analytical Chemistry2014,86, 9970-9976.
11.Liang Sun, Avishay Pelah, Dong-Ping Zhang, Yu-Fang Zhong, Jing An, Ying-Xin Yu,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Adnan A. Elfarra*, Formation of fused-ring 2¢-deoxycytidine adducts from 1-chloro-3-buten-2-one, an in vitro 1,3-butadiene metabolite, under in vitro physiological conditions.Chemical Research in Toxicology2013,26, 1545-1553.
12.Xin-Jie Liu, Fang-Mao Zeng, Jing An, Ying-Xin Yu,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Adnan A. Elfarra*, Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and mutagenicity of 1-chloro-2-hydroxy-3-butene and 1-chloro-3-buten-2-one, two alternative metabolites of 1,3-butadiene.Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology2013,271, 13-19.
13.Pan-Pan Zhang, Ying Wen, Jing An, Ying-Xin Yu*, Ming-Hong Wu,Xin-Yu Zhang*, DNA damage induced by three major metabolites of 1,3-butadiene in human hepatocyte L02 cells.Mutation Research2012,747, 240-245.
14.Ying-Xin Yu, Yu-Ping Pang, Chen Li, Jun-Ling Li,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Zhi-Qiang Yu, Jia-Liang Feng, Ming-Hong Wu, Guo-Ying Sheng, Jia-Mo Fu, Concentrations and seasonal variations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in in- and out-house dust and human daily intake via dust ingestion corrected with bioaccessibility of PBDEs.Environment International2012,42, 124-131.
15.Ying Wen, Pan-Pan Zhang, Jing An, Ying-Xin Yu, Ming-Hong Wu, Guo-Ying Sheng, Jia-Mo Fu,Xin-Yu Zhang*, Diepoxybutane induces the formation of DNA-DNA rather than DNA-protein cross-links, and single-strand breaks and alkali-labile sites in human hepatocyte L02 cells.Mutation Research2011,716, 84-91.