此外,学院还在积极与美国一些高校洽谈暑假游学项目,不断开拓海外游学市场。 公共卫生学院2016年海外游学项目实施方案 游学院校:悉尼大学公共卫生学院 游学时间:2016年7月-8月(为期6周) 游学课程: Lead Teaching Team, School of Public Health, Sydney University - Professor Glenn Salkeld, Head of School, extensive experience in public health teaching,
specialist health economist
- Professor Adrian Bauman, Director WHO Collaborating Centre in Physical Activity, Nutrition
and Obesity; expertise in chronic disease prevention, physical
activity, obesity prevention
- Professor Tim Driscoll, special expertise in Occupational and environmental epidemiology
- Assoc Professor Ian Kerridge , Associate Professor in Bioethics, Director, Centre for Values
and Ethics and the Law in Medicine; clinical specialist physician
in Haematology
issues, global public health perspectives, Introduction to
epidemiology; introduction to health economics, introduction to
program evaluation 8 hours MODULE 2.NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PREVENTION AND POLICY10 hours - illustrated with examples of public health research methods in
all modules - principles of NCDs, WHO perspectives, importance in global
health, especially in China [3hrs] - risk factors for NCD– demographic transition; importance of not
smoking, healthy diet, low alcohol, and regular physical activity ;
risk factor prevalence, trends, surveillance [2hrs] - NCD prevention and control, outline of strategies used /
recommendations for NCD prevention [3 hrs] - evaluation of NCD programs; costs of NCDs and introductory
principles of cost effectiveness assessment for NCD prevention
interventions [health econ group/ Glenn] [2 hrs] MODULE 3. OBESITY AND TOBACCO CONTROL10hours - the
epidemiology of obesity and tobacco, distribution and health
risks [1hr] -
determinants of obesity – what caused the obesity epidemic ? [1hr] -
distribution and determinants of smoking[1hr] - public health approaches to reduce obesity and reduce/prevent
smoking – integrated approaches, having a national plan; behaviour
change, environmental change / policy , mass media campaigns; use
of social media; clinical therapy for tobacco [4hrs] - working inside and outside the health sector to address public
health problems[1 hr] - Economics of obesity and smoking – costs; cost effectiveness of
interventions [1 hr] - ethical issues in obesity and tobacco control [1h] MODULE 4.Environment, air pollution, occupational health6 hours Environment and health; occupational health; case studies in
asbestos; air pollution and health MODULE 5.Infections control: sexually transmitted infections,
zoonosis, pandemics6 hours - Principles of infection control; principles of HIV and sexually
transmitted disease control; public health response to epidemics
and pandemics
MODULE 6 – EXTRA LECTURES5 hours [to be determined – for Chinese public health experts to
consider] - “food sanitation and food security” 1 hour
- Ethics and public health [additional discussion]
- Other lectures as needed / requested
游学费用: 学费:4100澳元 住宿费(home stay每周250澳元每天含两餐、机票等预计总费用:4.2万人民币 奖学金补贴: - 国际交流处海外游学项目经费补贴(每人1.6-2万元人民币,具体看人数)
- 学指委远修无忧(针对困难学生)
申报对象: 预防医学专业大一至大四学生、营养专业大一至大三学生 申报条件:入学以来无违纪处分记录,考试无不及格(不含补考重修合格),具有一定的英语沟通能力。(详细条例可参照学生手册) 申报方式: - 填写《304am永利集团官网学生出国(境)学习交流申请表》(附件一)和《304am永利集团官网出国交流学生教学登记表》(附件二)
- 递交书面申请,写明个人情况、家庭情况、出游目的等。需本人及家长签字(不可代签)。
- 入学以来成绩大表
(以上三份纸质材料需一式三份上交至辅导员) 笔试与面试: 对于符合基本条件的学生,学院会统一安排笔试、面试,最终确定游学名单,并上网公布。 - 网上测试
- 澳方面试
确定录取名单者需在规定时间内提供出入境相关资料,由学院统一办理,所需费用由学生承担。个人签证由学生自行办理。 学分转换: 1、填写《304am永利集团官网出国交流本科生学分转换申请表》(附件三)和《Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of Medicine Evaluation form for exchanging student》(附件四) 只能转换相应课程的选修课学分,必修课、必修选修课学分不得转换。详细内容见《 304am永利集团官网本科生学分转换管理办法实施细则》,网址:http://www.jwc.sjtu.edu.cn/web/sjtu/198150-1980000000215.htm 注: 大四暑假前往社区、卫监实习缺勤者需在次年寒假中补实习。 具体补实习等相关事宜与实习单位协商后确定,不参加补实习者,实习成绩为0分,不能正常毕业。 |