Yeap LengSiew
  作者:  2018-12-31

基本信息 >>>

 叶菱秀(Yeap LengSiew)





本课题组主要通过高通量测序技术, 结合遗传学、免疫学和生物信息学研究方法,探索抗体多样化过程产生的机制。相关研究成果以第一或通讯作者发表于CellPNASCell Discov等学术期刊。课题组主要围绕以下三个方面开展研究:寻找抗病毒广谱高效中和抗体进化过程中的关键限速步骤;建立人源化小鼠模型研究广谱中和抗体产生的机制;自身免疫抗体产生及自身免疫疾病发生的机制。

个人简历 >>>

2000-2003 马来西亚沙巴大学 学士

2003-2005 新加坡基因组研究所 研究助理 导师: Bing Lim教授

2005-2010 剑桥大学 博士 导师: Azim Surani教授,表观遗传与干细胞

2010-2015 哈佛大学 博士后 导师: Frederick W. Alt教授

2016-至今 304am永利集团官网上海市免疫学研究所 研究员,课题组长

科研项目 >>>











6)项目类型:304am永利集团官网“ 交大之星” 计划医工交叉研究基金




论文与专著 >>>

1. Ye X.F., Ren W.C., Liu D.B., Li X.B., Li W., Wang X.H., Meng F.L., Yeap L.S.(叶菱秀), Hou Y., Zhu S.D., Casellas, R., Zhang H.L.*, Wu K.*, Pan-Hammarström Q. Genome-wide mutational signatures revealed distinct developmental paths for human B cell lymphomas. J Exp Med , 2021, 218(2): e20200573 .

2. Liu L.D., Lian C.Y., Yeap, L.S.*(叶菱秀,共同通讯作者) and Meng F.L.*. The development of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and their common features. J Mol Cell Biol, 2020, 12(12): 980-986.

3. Tian Y., Lian C.Y., Chen Y.Y., Wei D., Zhang X.X., Ling Y. *, Wang Y. *, Yeap L.S.* (叶菱秀,共同通讯作者). Sensitivity and specificity of SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit in COVID-19 serology assays. Cell Discov, 2020, 27(6): 75.

4. Liu, X.J., Liu TT, Shang, Y.F., Dai, P.F., Zhang, W.B., Lee, B.J., Huang, M., Yang D.P., Wu Q., Liu L.D., Zheng, X.Q., Zhou B.O., Dong, J.C., Yeap, L.S.(叶菱秀), Hu, J.Z., Xiao,T.F., Zha, S., Casellas, R., Liu, X.S.* and Meng, F.L.*. ERCC6L2 promotes DNA orientation-specific recombination in mammalian cells. Cell Res, 2020, 30(9): 732-744.

5. Yang, D.P., Sun, Y., Chen, J.J., Zhang, Y., Fan, S.S., Huang, M., Xie, X., Cai, Y.N., Shang, Y.F., Gui, T.T., Sun, L.M., Hu, J.Z., Dong, J.C., Yeap, L.S.(叶菱秀), Wang, X.M., Xiao, W. and Meng, F.L.*. REV7 is required for processing AID initiated DNA lesions in activated B cells. Nat Commun, 2020, 11(1): 2812.

6. Yeap, L.S.* (叶菱秀,共同通讯作者)and Meng F.L.*. Cis- and trans-factors affecting AID targeting and mutagenic outcomes in antibody diversification. Adv Immunol, 2019, 141: 51-103.

7. Liu, L.D., Huang M., Dai P., Liu T., Fan S., Cheng X., Zhao Y., Yeap, L.S (叶菱秀) and Meng F.L. Intrinsic Nucleotide Preference of Diversifying Base Editors Guides Antibody Ex Vivo Affinity Maturation. Cell Report, 2018, 25: 884-892.

8. Hwang, J.K., Wang C., Du Z., Meyers R.M., Kepler T.B., Neuberg D., Kwong P.D., Mascola J.R., Gordon Joyce M., Bonsignori M., Haynes B.F., Yeap L.S.*(叶菱秀,共同通讯作者) and Alt F.W.* . Sequence intrinsic somatic mutation mechanisms contribute to affinity maturation of VRC01-class HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies. PNAS, 2017, 1-6.

9. Campagno, C., Wang Q., Pighi C., Cheong T.C., Meng F.L., Poggio T., Yeap L.S. (叶菱秀), Atabay E., Blasco R.B., Langellotto F., Voena C., Kasar S.N., Brown J.R., Sun J., Wu C.J., Gostissa M., Alt F.W and Chiarle R . Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase δ blockade increases genomic instability in B cells. Nature, 2017, 542(7642): 489-493.

10. Yeap, L.S.# (叶菱秀, 共同第一作者), Hwang J.K.#, Du Z., Meyers R.M., Meng F.L., Jakubauskaite, A., Liu M., Mani V., Neuberg D., Kepler T.B., Wang, J.H. and Alt F.W. Sequence-Intrinsic Mechanisms that Target AID Mutational Outcomes on Antibody Genes. Cell, 2015, 163 (5): 1124-37. *co-first authors. Featured in Preview by Cornelis Murre, Cell 163(5):1055-1056.

11. Hwang, J.K.#, Alt F.W. and Yeap L.S#(叶菱秀,共同第一作者). Related Mechanisms of Antibody Somatic Hypermutation and Class Switch Recombination. Microbiol Spectr, 2015, 3(1):MDNA3-0037-2014. doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.MDNA3-0037-2014.

12. Yeap, L.S. (叶菱秀,第一作者), Hayashi K. and Surani M.A. ERG-associated protein with SET domain (ESET)-Oct4 interaction regulates pluripotency and represses the trophectoderm lineage. Epigenetics Chromatin , 2009, 2:12.  

13. Chew, J.L, Loh Y.H., Zhang W., Chen X., Tam W.L., Yeap L.S.(叶菱秀), Li P., Ang Y.S., Lim B., Robson P. and Ng H.H. Reciprocal transcription regulation of Pou5f1 and Sox2 via the Oct4/Sox2 complex in embryonic stem cells. Mol. Cell. Biol, 2005, 25: 6031-6046.

专利与技术许可 >>>

YeapLeng-Siew; HayashiKatsuhiko; SuraniAzim ;

 Pluripotency associated epigenetic factor, 2011-08-04, 美国,20110190152