  作者:  2018-12-31

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长期从事调节性T细胞相关基础研究,近年来在炎症条件下Treg细胞功能稳定性,T细胞分化关键转录因子和广谱宿主因子的翻译后修饰及其相关酶类的活性调节等方面取得了突出成绩。李斌课题组近年来在国际学术刊物如《Immunity》、《Nat Commun》、《PNAS》、《Cell Rep》和《J Biol Chem.》等发表论文50余篇, 其中作为通讯及共同通讯作者33篇。申请相关发明专利项,已获批发明专利项。近五年来先后主持科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划“遗传变异调控AS自身免疫紊乱的分子机制研究”(已结题),国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金“免疫学”(在研),国家自然科学基金重点项目“炎症因子对FOXP3+调节性T细胞分化与功能的动态影响及其机理研究”(已结题),国家自然科学基金面上项目“FOXP3蛋白泛素化与去泛素化修饰调控Treg细胞功能的机理研究”(已结题)等。

科研项目 >>>

1. 31525008 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金 免疫学 2016年1月-2020年12月 项目负责人

2. 16XD1403800 上海市科委优秀学术带头人计划 调节性T细胞功能稳定性及其应用 2016年5月-2019年4月 项目负责人

3. 31370863 国家自然科学基金面上项目 FOXP3蛋白泛素化与去泛素化修饰调控Treg细胞功能的机理研究 2014年1月-2017年12月 项目负责人

4. 81330072 国家自然科学基金重点项目 炎症因子对FOXP3+调节性T细胞分化与功能的动态影响及其机理研究 2014年1月-2018年12月 项目负责人

5. 2014CB541803 科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划) 遗传变异调控AS自身免疫紊乱的分子机制研究 2014年1月-2018年12月 项目负责人

6. 14JC1406100 上海市科委基础研究重大项目 肿瘤微环境FOXP3蛋白复合体调节的机制研究 2014年7月-2017年6月 项目负责人

7. 31170825 国家自然科学基金面上项目 转录因子IRF4蛋白甲基化修饰及其转录调节功能的分子机理研究 2012年1月-2015年12月 项目负责人

8. 10QA1407900 上海市科委启明星计划 IL6信号通路调节FOXP3活性的机理研究 2010年4月-2012年3月 项目负责人

9. 09JC1416100 上海市科委基础研究重点项目 固有免疫识别受体信号通路调节FOXP3活性的机理研究 2009年9月-2011年8月 项目负责人

论文与专著 >>>

1.  Fang S, Huang Y, Wang S, Zhang Y, Luo X, Liu L, Zhong S, Liu X, Li D, Liang R, Miranda P, Gu P, Zhou H, Fan X, Li B..IL-17A exacerbates fibrosis by promoting the proinflammatory and profibrotic function of orbital fibroblasts in TAO.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.,2016,101(8):2955-65. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-1882.

2.  Li Y, Li B.A Translational Perspective of a Deubiquitinase Inhibitor in Antitumor Immunity.EBioMedicine,2016 Nov 8.

3.  Li Y, Lu Y, Wang S, Han Z, Zhu F, Ni Y, Liang R, Zhang Y, Leng Q, Wei G, Shi G, Zhu R, Li D, Wang H, Zheng SG, Xu H, Tsun A, Li B.USP21 prevents the generation of T-helper-1-like Treg cells.Nat Commun.,2016 Nov 18,doi: 10.1038/ncomms13559.

4.  Song H, Tao L, Chen C, Pan L, Hao J, Ni Y, Li D, Li B, Shi G.USP17-mediated deubiquitination and stabilization of HDAC2 in cigarette smoke extract-induced inflammation..Int J Clin Exp Pathol.,2015,Sep 1;8(9):10707-15.

5.  Ni Y, Tao L, Chen C, Song H, Li Z, Gao Y, Nie J, Piccioni M, Shi G, Li B.USP17-mediated deubiquitination and stabilization of HDAC2 in cigarette smoke extract-induced inflammation.Int J Clin Exp Pathol,2015 Sep,Sep1;8(9):10707-15.

6.  Lu Y, Cai S, Nie J, Li Y, Shi G, Hao J, Fu W, Tan H, Chen S, Li B, Xu H.The natural compound nujiangexanthone A suppresses mast cell activation and allergic asthma. Biochem Pharmacol.Biochem Pharmacol,2015,Jan 15;100:61-72. 

7.  Luo X, Nie J, Wang S, Chen Z, Chen W, Li D, Hu H, Li B.Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of FOXP3 Protein Mediated by PARP-1 Protein Regulates the Function of Regulatory T Cells.J Biol Chem,2015,Nov 27;290(48):28675-82. 

8.  Wu Y, Yang L, Zhao J, Li C, Nie J, Liu F, Zhuo C, Zheng Y, Li B, Wang Z, Xu Y.Nuclear-enriched abundant tran 1 as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer.Mol Cancer,2015,Nov 9;14(1):191. 

9.  Wang X, Yang J, Han L, Zhao K, Wu Q, Bao L, Li Z, Lv L, Li B.TRAF5-mediated Lys-63-linked Polyubiquitination Plays an Essential Role in Positive Regulation of RORγt in Promoting IL-17A Expression.J Biol Chem,2015,Nov 27;290(48):29086-94. 

10.  Nie J, Li YY, Zheng SG, Tsun A, Li B.FOXP3(+) Treg Cells and Gender Bias in Autoimmune Diseases. Front Immunol.Front Immunol,2015,Sep 28;6:493. 

11.  Wu Q, Nie J, Gao Y, Xu P, Sun Q, Yang J, Han L, Chen Z, Wang X, Lv L, Tsun A, Shen J, Li B.Reciprocal regulation of RORγt acetylation and function by p300 and HDAC1.Sci Rep,2015,Nov 9;5:16355. 

12.  Li D, Kong C, Tsun A, Chen C, Song H, Shi G, Pan W, Dai D, Shen N, Li B.MiR-125a-5p Decreases the Sensitivity of Treg cells Toward IL-6-Mediated Conversion by Inhibiting IL-6R and STAT3 Expression.Sci Rep,2015,Oct 1;5:14615. 

13.  Li B, Zheng SG..How regulatory T cells sense and adapt to inflammation.Cell Mol Immunol,2015,Sep;12(5):519-20. 

14.  Gao Y, Tang J, Chen W, Li Q, Nie J, Lin F, Wu Q, Chen Z, Gao Z, Fan H, Tsun A, Shen J, Chen G, Liu Z, Lou Z, Olsen NJ, Zheng SG, Li B.Inflammation negatively regulates FOXP3 and regulatory T-cell function via DBC1.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,2015,Jun 23;112(25):E3246-54. 

15.  Zhou X, Tang J, Cao H, Fan H, Li B.Tissue resident regulatory T cells: novel therapeutic targets for human disease.Cell Mol Immunol,2015,Sep;12(5):543-52. 

16.  Lin F, Luo X, Tsun A, Li Z, Li D, Li B.Kaempferol enhances the suppressive function of Treg cells by inhibiting FOXP3 phosphorylation. .Int Immunopharmacol,2015,Oct;28(2):859-65. 

17.  Yang J, Xu P, Han L, Guo Z, Wang X, Chen Z, Nie J, Yin S, Piccioni M, Tsun A, Lv L, Ge S, Li B.Ubiquitin-specific protease 4 promotes Th17 cell function under inflammation by deubiquitinating and stabilizing RORγt.J Immunol Cutting edge,2015 ,May 1;194(9):4094-7. 

18.  Li Z, Li D, Tsun A, Li B.FOXP3+ regulatory T cells and their functional regulation.Cell Mol Immunol,2015,Sep;12(5):558-65. 

19.  Han L, Yang J, Wang X, Li D, Lv L, Li B.Th17 cells in autoimmune diseases.Front Med,2015,Mar;9(1):10-9. 

20.  Zhuo C, Xu Y, Ying M, Li Q, Huang L, Li D, Cai S, Li B.FOXP3+ Tregs: heterogeneous phenotypes and conflicting impacts on survival outcomes in patients with colorectal cancer.Immunol Res,2015,Mar;61(3):338-47. doi: 10.1007/s12026-014-8616-y. 

21.  Xie M, Xuan B, Shan J, Pan D, Sun Y, Shan Z, Zhang J, Yu D, Li B, Qian Z.Human cytomegalovirus exploits interferon-induced transmembrane proteins to facilitate morphogenesis of the virion assembly compartment.J Virol,2015,Mar;89(6):3049-61. 

22.  Piccioni M, Chen Z, Tsun A, Li B.Regulatory T-cell differentiation and their function in immune regulation.Adv Exp Med Biol,2014,841:67-97. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9487-9_4. 

23.  Liu BC, Zhang L, Su JS, Tsun A, Li B.Treatment of postoperative infectious complications in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection.World J Emerg Med,2014,5(2):103-6.. 

24.  Tao L, Chen C, Song H, Piccioni M, Shi G, Li B.Deubiquitination and stabilization of IL-33 by USP21.Int J Clin Exp Pathol,2014,Jul 15;7(8):4930-7. 

25.  Li Z, Lin F, Zhuo C, Deng G, Chen Z, Yin S, Gao Z, Piccioni M, Tsun A, Cai S, Zheng SG, Zhang Y, Li B.PIM1 kinase phosphorylates the human tranion factor FOXP3 at serine 422 to negatively regulate its activity under inflammation.J Biol Chem.,2014,Sep 26;289(39):26872-81. 

26.  Han L, Yang J, Wang X, Wu Q, Yin S, Li Z, Zhang J, Xing Y, Chen Z, Tsun A, Li D, Piccioni M, Zhang Y, Guo Q, Jiang L, Bao L, Lv L, Li B.The E3 deubiquitinase USP17 is a positive regulator of retinoic acid-related orphan nuclear receptor γt (RORγt) in Th17 cells.J Biol Chem.,2014,Sep 12;289(37):25546-55. 

27.  Zhuo C, Li Z, Xu Y, Wang Y, Li Q, Peng J, Zheng H, Wu P, Li B, Cai S.Higher FOXP3-TSDR demethylation rates in adjacent normal tissues in patients with colon cancer were associated with worse survival.Mol Cancer,2014,Jun 18;13:153.

28.  Pan L, Chen Z, Wang L, Chen C, Li D, Wan H, Li B, Shi G.Deubiquitination and stabilization of T-bet by USP10.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2014,Jul 4;449(3):289-94. 

29.  Gao Y, Lin F, Xu P, Nie J, Chen Z, Su J, Tang J, Wu Q, Li Y, Guo Z, Gao Z, Li D, Shen J, Ge S, Tsun A, Li B.USP22 is a positive regulator of NFATc2 on promoting IL2 expression.FEBS Lett,2014,Mar 18;588(6):878-83. 

30.  Shan Z, Han Q, Nie J, Cao X, Chen Z, Yin S, Gao Y, Lin F, Zhou X, Xu K, Fan H, Qian Z, Sun B, Zhong J, Li B, Tsun A.Negative regulation of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 by SET7-mediated lysine monomethylation.J Biol Chem,2013,Dec 6;288(49):35093-103. 

31.  Chen Z, Barbi J, Bu S, Yang HY, Li Z, Gao Y, Jinasena D, Fu J, Lin F, Chen C, Zhang J, Yu N, Li X, Shan Z, Nie J, Gao Z, Tian H, Li Y, Yao Z, Zheng Y, Park BV, Pan Z, Zhang J, Dang E, Li Z, Wang H, Luo W, Li L, Semenza GL, Zheng SG, Loser K, Tsun A, Greene MI, Pardoll DM, Pan F, Li B.The ubiquitin ligase Stub1 negatively modulates regulatory T cell suppressive activity by promoting degradation of the tranion factor Foxp3.Immunity,2013,Aug 22;39(2):272-85. 

32.  Li Y, Tsun A, Gao Z, Han Z, Gao Y, Li Z, Lin F, Wang Y, Wei G, Yao Z, Li B.60-kDa Tat-interactive protein (TIP60) positively regulates Th-inducing POK (ThPOK)-mediated repression of eomesodermin in human CD4+ T cells.J Biol Chem,2013,May 31;288(22):15537-46. 

33.  Chen Z, Luo X, Lu Y, Zhu T, Wang J, Tsun A, Li B.Ubiquitination signals critical to regulatory T cell development and function.Int Immunopharmacol,2013,Jul;16(3):348-52. 

34.  Zhang J, Chen C, Hou X, Gao Y, Lin F, Yang J, Gao Z, Pan L, Tao L, Wen C, Yao Z, Tsun A, Shi G, Li B.Identification of the E3 deubiquitinase ubiquitin-specific peptidase 21 (USP21) as a positive regulator of the tranion factor GATA3.J Biol Chem,2013,Mar 29;288(13):9373-82. 

35.  Gao Z, Gao Y, Li Z, Chen Z, Lu D, Tsun A, Li B.Synergy between IL-6 and TGF-β signaling promotes FOXP3 degradation.Int J Clin Exp Pathol,2012,5(7):626-33.

36.  Tsun A, Chen Z, Li B..Romance of the three kingdoms: RORgammat allies with HIF1alpha against FoxP3 in regulating T cell metabolism and differentiation.Protein Cell,2011,Oct;2(10):778-81. 

37.  Tsun A, Li YY, Li B.ou, me and Foxp3: immune regulation for two.Immunotherapy,2011,Oct;3(10):1139-42. 

38.  Chen Z, Lin F, Gao Y, Li Z, Zhang J, Xing Y, Deng Z, Yao Z, Tsun A, Li B.FOXP3 and RORγt: tranional regulation of Treg and Th17.Int Immunopharmacol,2011,May;11(5):536-42. 


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