黄传新博士2007年毕业于中国科学院神经科学研究所,在康奈尔大学304am永利集团官网完成博士后训练,于2015加入304am永利集团官网基础304am永利集团官网/上海市免疫学研究所,担任课题组长。研究领域为B淋巴细胞发育与恶变的转录和表观遗传学机制的研究,为阐明自身免疫性疾病和B细胞淋巴瘤的发病机制提供新的理论根据及治疗靶点。 最近几年,在国际学术刊物如Nat Commun,Cell Res, AJHG Autophagy和J Immunol等学术期刊发表多篇通讯及共同通讯作者论文。主持多项国家自然科学基金和上海市自然基金,及参与多项科技部重点研发项目。
科技部重点研发 《靶向T 细胞淋巴瘤的CAR-T 细胞制备策略》(2019-2023)
上海市自然基金项目 《转录因子Bach2调控过敏性肺炎发生的小宁和分子作用》(2020-2023)
1. Peng H, Yang F, Hu Q,Sun J, Zhang, H, Peng C, Zhao Y, Huang C*. The ubiquitin-specific protease USP8 directly deubiquitinates SQSTM1/p62 to suppress its autophagic activity. Autophagy 2020 Apr;16(4):698-708.
2. Zhang H, Hu Q, Zhang M, Yang F, Peng C, Zhang Z, Huang C*. Bach2 deficiency leads to spontaneous expansion of IL-4-Producing T follicular helper cells and autoimmunity. Frontiers in Immunology, 2019;10:2050.
3. Deng S,, Hu Q, Zhang H, Yang F, Peng C, Huang C*. HDAC3 Inhibition upregulates PD-L1 expression in B-Cell lymphomas and augments the efficacy of anti-PD-L1 therapy. Mol Cancer Ther. 2019 May;18(5):900-908.
4. Peng C, Hu Q, Zhang H, Yang F, Huang C*. BCL6-mediated silencing of PD-1 ligands in germinal center B cells maintains follicular T cell population. Journal of Immunology 2019 Feb 1;202(3):704-713
5. Yu X, Lao Y, Li S, Li H, Huang C*, Yi J*, and Zou Q*. SENP3 maintains the stability and function of regulatory T cells via BACH2 deSUMOylation. Nature Communication 2018 Aug 8;9(1):3157.
6. Sun J, Hu Q, Peng H , Peng C, Zhou L, Lu J, Huang C*. The ubiquitin-specific protease USP8 deubiquitinates and stabilizes Cx43. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2018 May 25;293(21):8275-8284
7. Chen J, Jian X, Deng S, Ma Z, Zhao Y, Huang C * & Shi Y*. Identification of recurrent USP48 and BRAF mutations in Cushing's disease. Nature Communication 2018 Aug 9;9(1):3171
8. Zhang Q, Peng C, Song J, Shi Y, Huang C*, and Zhao Y*. Germline mutations in CDH23, encoding cadherin-Related 23, are associated with both familial and sporadic pituitary adenomas. American Journal of Human Genetics 2017 May 4;100(5):817-823
9. Ma Z, Song Z, Chen J, Huang C*, Shi YY* and Zhao Y*. Recurrent gain-of-function USP8 mutations in Cushing's disease. Cell Research 2015 Mar; 25(3):306-17.
10. Huang C*. Germinal Center Reaction. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020;1254:47-53 (invited review)
11. Huang C* and Melnick A*. Mechanisms of action of BCL6 during germinal center B cell development. Science China Life sciences 2015, 58(12): 1226-1232. (invited review)
12. Huang C, Gonzalez DG, Cote CM, Jiang Y, Hatzi K, Teater M, Dai K, Hla T, Haberman AM, Melnick A. The BCL6 RD2 Domain Governs Commitment of Activated B Cells to Form Germinal Centers. Cell Reports 2014 Sep 11; 8(5):1497-508.
13. Huang C, Geng H, Boss I, Wang L, Melnick AM. Cooperative transcriptional repression by BCL6 and BACH2 in germinal centre B-cell differentiation. Blood 2014 Feb 13;123(7):1012-20.
14. Huang C, Hatzi K, Melnick AM. Lineage-specific functions of Bcl6 in immunity and inflammation are mediated through distinct biochemical mechanisms. Nature Immunology 2013 April; 14(4): 380-8.
张文倩,博士,助理研究员, dzzhangwenqian@126.com
杨 芳,硕士,实验师,yangfang@shsmu.edu.cn
张 珩,博士在读, zhinsjtu@163.com
胡倩雯,博士在读, myhuqianwen@163.com
徐婷婷,博士在读, 380175416@qq.com
朱 琳,博士在读, 1334510716@qq.com
戴 迪,硕士在读 401385868@qq.com